
Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to subscribe to read or download the magazine?
No. Subscribing enters you in the Free merchandise Giveaways and puts you on the list to be notified when each new issue is available.

How do I subscribe?
Simply submit a valid email address in the subscription form on the Subscriptions page and you will be notified when each new issue is released. New issues appear automatically in the iOS and Android apps. You can download issues as PDFs or read them on-line from any Internet connected device.

How do I enter the drawing for each issue?
Subscribe once and you are automatically entered in all future drawings.

Where do I download reader apps?
When Available, i
instructions for downloading apps and issues can be found here.

What devices are supported?
Any Internet connected devise with a web browser can display the magazine. In addition, any app that supports PDFs such as iBooks, Kindle Reader or Acrobat Reader can download and read the PDF version of the magazine.
What personal information do you store and what do you do with my information?
The only information we store is the email address you give us and the IP address it was sent from. We do measure certain statistics such as which pages are viewed and which links are clicked and from what IP address. This information is anonymous and only used help our advertisers measure the relevance of their advertising. This information is never used to target specific individuals with specific ads.

Do I have to pay for a subscription?
No. Every issue of Defenders Report is absolutely free including back issues.

How do I recommend Defenders Report to other people?
Use the referral submission form on the Subscriptions page

How do I change my subscription email?
Add your new email on the Subscriptions page then unsubscribe the old email address.

When will the prize be sent to me if I win?
The prize will be shipped within 3 business days after we are provided with the shipping address

Can I download/use the app without entering the giveaway?

How do I get new issues or back issues?
If you have downloaded the Defenders Report App, new issues and all back issues appear automatically in the Defenders Report iOS and Android apps. If you wish to read Defenders report without using the app you can read or download all issues from the Issues page.

How do I unsubscribe?
Send an email to Subscribe email location with your request or mail your request to Defenders Report PO Box 1783, Colleyville TX, 76034

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